Seattle, WA

  • Christian Buckley

    RD+MVP | Award-Winning Product Marketer & Tech Evangelist | Host of the #CollabTalk Podcast, #ProjectFailureFiles, #GoM365gov & #M365AMA series

    Christian is an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, and both a Microsoft Regional Director (RD) and Most Valuable Professional (MVP). Christian's 30-year tech career has included Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Evangelist for several leading SharePoint ISVs, and he was part of the Microsoft team that launched the hosted SharePoint platform in Office 365. He has worked with some of the world’s largest technology companies to build and deploy social, collaboration, and supply chain solutions, and sold his first software startup to Rational Software in 2001. Co-author of books on both SharePoint and software configuration management (SCM), Christian is one of the most widely published names within the Microsoft ecosystem, and can be found online at and @buckleyplanet

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