Seattle, WA

Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM · Room 443-444

Best Practices for Intranet Information Architecture: the key to unlocking AI’s full potential

Susan Hanley

Susan Hanley

Information Architect/Business Analyst

In this workshop, we will explore the basics of Information Architecture (IA) and its role in creating effective intranets using Microsoft 365, SharePoint, and Viva Connections. We’ll talk about why IA is so important to AI – and how you can ensure that your intranet content can act as a valuable partner in your AI solutions. Whether you are just starting out or looking to improve your current intranet design, this workshop will provide you with the necessary tools and techniques to make the most of new and upcoming features, capabilities, and best practices.

We'll cover key topics including creating and organizing content, building site structures, creating metadata, and leveraging search functionality.

You will take away:

  • Approaches for planning navigation across the entire intranet and on individual sites
  • Tips and best practices for audiences, hubs, and home sites
  • Page design guidance that supports accessibility and great user experiences
  • Effective use of metadata on pages and documents – and whether it is OK to use folders to organize your content.
  • How to leverage Viva Connections to bring your intranet to your users in the flow of work – and how to plan audiences to ensure that the right tools and information gets to the right groups.
  • How Copilot can help your information architecture and vice versa.

You'll leave with a clear understanding of what IA is, why it matters, and how to get started with creating effective intranets that meet your organization's needs.


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