SharePoint Premium Track
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM · Room 443-444
Establishing SharePoint Online Admin Rockstar Status
SharePoint Online (SPO) integrates with many services that you need to be familiar with to successfully manage your collaboration content. In this full day workshop, we are going to learn about these different services and how to manage the integration with them by exploring and discussing SharePoint Online best practices for configuring, securing, optimizing, and implementing redundancy.
We will begin by discussing and creating a new Microsoft 365 tenant, followed by exploring how to customize both the M365 and SharePoint administrator dashboards so they only display information related to the Microsoft 365 services and SPO-related components like SharePoint Online and OneDrive.
We will also explore how to create and assign users to access SharePoint Online as both an end user and as administrators.
Being most scenarios require the migration of content, we will discuss several options for migrating content from many different sources to SharePoint Online and OneDrive.
Most migrations require at least an interim hybrid configuration, so we will introduce and explore the components that can be configured for a hybrid environment as an interim solution, or as a long-term solution.
We will then roll up our sleeves and explore the configuration of several components of SharePoint Online using both the GUI and PowerShell. These SPO components and configurations include;
Creating, configuring, and managing site collections
Configuring the user profile service (UPS) to ensure your Active Directory data is included in your search index
Exploring several search service configuration options, to ensure your users are able to quickly find the information they need, along with how to access some search-related reports, as well as some suggestions on how to help your users submit better search queries for more accurate search results
Discussing both SharePoint Online and OneDrive configuration options for managing and securing your collaboration content
Create and implementing a structured taxonomy to provide consistent and reliable data in SPO by using published tenant-level content types and managed metadata fields via the term store, as well as other custom column types, that can all be managed by information architects.
As we discuss these topics throughout the day, I’ll be sharing best practices, as well as tips and tricks that every SPO admin should know about while working with SPO.
When you leave the workshop, you’ll have all the skills and best practices to migrate to, configure, manage, and secure SharePoint Online and OneDrive components using the SharePoint Online Admin center, OneDrive admin Center, and PowerShell.
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM · Room 425 Workshops & Roundtables - Room 425
Information Architecture (IA) for Enterprise AI
Michelle Caldwell
Chief Executive Officer – Michelle is a workplace experience leader with over 25 years of experience delivering transformative solutions to diverse organizations powered by Ethical AI
Preparing enterprise content to enhance and support enterprise AI
As AI explodes across enterprises, organizations face a dilemma on how to best leverage AI, improve its effectiveness, and drive real value for the organization. In this workshop, you will learn about the different types of AI in the enterprise and how to organize, structure, and label enterprise content corpuses to ensure AI can best leverage existing content, support and enhance business processes, and generate new content and knowledge that enhances employee productivity.
Tuesday 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM · Room 440-442
SharePoint Premium - Implementation
Microsoft advanced content management and experiences - where AI meets content. Whether SharePoint Premium, Microsoft 365 Backup, Microsoft 365 Archive, or SharePoint Embedded, you now have new ways to engage with your most critical content, while managing and protecting it through its lifecycle.
In this half-day workshop, we'll go hands on for configuring billing, model creation, autofill columns, content assembly,