Seattle, WA

Wednesday 3:40 PM - 4:50 PM · Room 607

Building your organizational home site & hubs strategy

Sarah Haase

Sarah Haase

Microsoft MVP | M365 enthusiast | Principal Product Manager | User adoption advocate

It's a flat new world in SharePoint. We've moved on from classic and hierarchical site collections and built an array of modern sites. But how do we organize our content, sites, and intranets in this new world?

This session introduces home sites and hubs and provides guidance on how to build a strong content management strategy for their use. We'll define what home sites and hubs are, lay the conceptual groundwork for understanding their use, and provide a creative new way of conceptualizing the logical ties between your myriad of flat SharePoint sites.

We’ll also discuss how Viva Connections plays into our intranet and home site strategy.


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