Seattle, WA

Wednesday 1:50 PM - 3:00 PM · Room 604

Super Charge your Power Apps and Copilots with Power Fx

Prashant G Bhoyar

Prashant G Bhoyar

Microsoft AI MVP, Microsoft Business Applications MVP, MCT, Cloud Solution Architect at AIS

Power Fx is the low-code language that can be used across the Microsoft Power Platform. It's a general-purpose, strong-typed, declarative, and functional programming language. Citizen developers and Professional developers can use it to build business applications.

In this demo-drive session, we will cover the following topics in detail. • What is Power Fx? • What are Data Types? • What are Operators and identifiers, Tables, Variables, Imperative logic, and Global support? • How can we use Power Fx in Power Platform to build the business application? • Power Fx Best Practices


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