Seattle, WA

Wednesday 9:50 AM - 11:00 AM · Room 606

Build external-facing websites using Power Pages

Amarender Peddamalku

Amarender Peddamalku

MVP | Practice Lead - Microsoft Modern Work @Perficient

Microsoft Power Pages is a secure, enterprise-grade, low-code software as a service (SaaS) platform for creating, hosting, and administering modern external-facing business websites. Power Pages provides you with rich, customizable templates, a fluid visual experience through a reimagined design studio, and a new, integrated learning hub to quickly build sites that suit your unique business needs.

We'll learn how to create powerful external-facing websites that allow users outside their organizations to sign in with a wide variety of identities, create and view data in Microsoft Dataverse, or even browse content anonymously.

Also, we'll learn to quickly create a website and customize it with pages, layout, and content.


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