Seattle, WA

Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM · Room 615:616

Power Automate Multi-Stage Approval Workflows Workshop

Amarender Peddamalku

Amarender Peddamalku

MVP | Practice Lead - Microsoft Modern Work @Perficient

In every organization there are a number of scenarios which require an Approval process. It could be Contract approvals, PTO/Leave Approvals, Event approvals and many other business processes.

In this workshop we'll learn how to design and develop Multi-Stage Approval Workflows using Power Automate. The workflow will move back and forth b/w different stages and will also learn how to restart a workflow from a given stage. We'll learn how to include Dynamic Approvers in the workflow process.

We'll also learn how to design and develop Automated escalations and Automated reminders. We'll implement timeout features in the workflows to escalate it to the next approver in the process. We will learn how to log and retain workflow history beyond what Microsoft Power Automate offers out-of-box. We'll develop a button to kick off the workflow from a SharePoint library/list.


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