
Knowledge Management Strategies for Microsoft 365 in the Copilot World

Thursday 10:50 AM - 12:00 PM · Room 5

Knowledge Management Strategies for Microsoft 365 in the Copilot World

Susan Hanley

Susan Hanley

Information Architect/Business Analyst

With the deprecation of Viva Topics in February 2025, Microsoft is losing the “hero” application for Knowledge Management in Microsoft 365. But Viva Topics alone was never enough and certainly not the only app in your Knowledge Management toolkit.

In this session, we will discuss strategies for leveraging Microsoft 365 to achieve your KM goals – from both manual and automatic metadata classification in SharePoint to enhance explicit knowledge to AI-assisted tacit knowledge and expertise location experiences with Viva Engage and Answers in Viva to Copilot-assisted knowledge experiences grounded in your organizational content.

You will take away practical strategies for achieving your KM goals and a deeper understanding of how Microsoft 365 and Copilot can help you in your journey.


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