
10 new features in Power Apps everyone should know

Wednesday 4:20 PM - 5:30 PM · Room D

10 new features in Power Apps everyone should know

Luc Labelle

Luc Labelle

CEO at Kabesa (MVP, MCT)

This 60-minute session, delve into the dynamic world of Power Apps as we unveil the top 10 new features transforming the landscape of app development. With the ever-evolving demands of modern businesses, Microsoft's Power Apps continues to evolve, empowering users to create custom applications with unprecedented ease and efficiency. From enhanced data integration capabilities to advanced automation features, this session will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest innovations in Power Apps. Through live demonstrations, practical examples, and expert insights, attendees will gain valuable insights into harnessing the full potential of Power Apps to streamline processes, boost productivity, and drive digital transformation within their organizations. Whether you're a seasoned Power Apps user or just beginning your journey, join us to discover the game-changing features shaping the future of app development.


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