
Building Business Processes that Can & Will Evolve: Product-Neutral Principles

Friday 10:20 AM - 11:30 AM · Room 5

Building Business Processes that Can & Will Evolve: Product-Neutral Principles

Mike Fitzmaurice

Mike Fitzmaurice

VP - North America, WEBCON

Far more than data management apps, workflow solutions need to factor in the need for frequent change. You should expect even the best-designed models and applications to be regularly modified -- and that's a good thing.

This has an impact on how to design processes, how to create forms and reports, how to connect to external data, and how to maintain internal data.

This session will talk about reasons why workflow solutions need to be modified so often, why you should embrace this, and strategies and tactics for addressing it. Its advice can be applied to the Power Platform, SharePoint Designer, WEBCON, Nintex, or pretty much anything else.


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