Chicago, IL

Can security and productivity coexist in Microsoft 365?

Thursday 12:40 PM - 1:10 PM · Room S104b

Can security and productivity coexist in Microsoft 365?

Samuel Martineau

Samuel Martineau

Solutions Architect at ShareGate

As end users gain greater autonomy within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, adapting to this shift and finding effective ways to manage collaboration seamlessly and securely is essential. Now is the time to embrace change and address the challenges head-on.

In this session, our esteemed Solutions Architect, Samuel Martineau, delves into the practical insights needed to navigate this changing landscape through governance. From user adoption, sprawl, shadow IT, security, and management concerns, Samuel provides valuable strategies to maintain control without panicking.

This session is a must-attend for anyone seeking to optimize Microsoft 365 while ensuring security and productivity coexist—this is how great IT teams evolve!

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